Organization For Responsible Solar

19 Mar 2020 Comments: 0 Views: 
Posted by SR Editor
A non-profit org had been organized in the state of Virginia, for the purpose of educating others on the negative impact of utility scale solar on farmland and woodlands.

It’s about time that Americans, as well as the citizens of other countries start organizing, in order to fight back against the multi-million dollar corporations and free government subsidies that are destroying crop land and the woodland homes of various types of wildlife.

Beside the dangers of placing thousands of solar panels in areas where they can blind the drivers of vehicles driving down the roads, fence off farmlands and woodlands that was once a food source for all type of wildlife, create fire hazards that can release toxic chemicals, cause erosion and possibly even the death of certain animals such as cattle, they are a blight on the countryside that was once a source of natural beauty containing the vibrant beauty of a wide mixture of living creations.

If you know of any other organizations or websites that are dedicated to helping the citizens of other towns, states or countries protect their farmland, woodlands or neighborhoods from commercial solar farms, please share that information with us.

In the meantime, if you would like to check out the nonprofit group from Virginia, according to their website, they claim, “they are group of concerned citizens, recently organized as a 501(c)(4)-status pending IRS approval, is a grassroots movement that grew out of what we saw was the destruction of the rural Virginia landscape. Our goal is to educate the public on the negative impact of utility-scale solar on farmlands, woodlands, and the surrounding communities.”

You can check them out at: Citizens For Responsible Solar

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This news item is from Stop-Solar